

人民美术网 > 综合 > 油画海岸的梵高——著名油画大师李洪涛


2024-04-26 10:34 文章来源:巨匠丹青1   分享到微信


French clothing master Pierre Cardin huge collection of master Li Hongtao's paintings

法国服装大师皮尔卡丹PIERRE CARDIN,两年内先后两次参观李洪涛的油画展,观展后在留言册上题字"希望我有这样一份荣幸,在我们卡丹中心举办您的画展",并收藏李洪涛当时价格最高的一幅油画,这是皮尔卡丹首次收藏中国人的油画作品。2008年中国国家大剧院收藏了皮尔卡丹捐赠的李洪涛作品《大地的玄机》《天路的笑声》。





Pierre Cardin, a French fashion master, visited Li Hongtao's oil painting exhibitions twice within two years. After observing the exhibitions, he inscribed "I hope I have the honor to hold your art exhibition at our Cardin Center" on his message book and collected Li Hongtao's most expensive oil painting at the time. This was Pierre Cardin's first collection of Chinese oil paintings. In 2008, the National Theatre of China collected Li Hongtao's works "The Mystery of the Earth" and "The Laughter of the Heavenly Road" donated by Pierre Cardin.Huang Jieping, President of Today's World TV, wrote, "I have a feeling about buying four oil paintings by artist Li Hongtao: you are beautiful, and you have lost your city before marriage." Zhou Xugeng, President of the American International Foundation and President of the American Meihua Business Daily, wrote after collecting Li Hongtao's works, "Master Hong Tao's paintings focus on the essence of Western art. They are extraordinary in imagination, rich in content, touching and penetrating into the soul. It can be expected that Master Hong Tao will become one of the greatest artists in the 21st century“Former Russian Ambassador to the United Nations and Ambassador to the United States, Vorenzov, said: You have a special talent that makes every colorful work of yours full of vitality. These works are not static, but dynamic, jumping, and a wonderful art of life! Sincere thanks, your painting has intoxicated me! "Professor Werbeck, curator of the Ludwig Museum in Germany and then director of the European International Art Forum, said: From a European perspective, these paintings are an excellent example of comprehensive art in contemporary international art. This art synthesis includes a profound understanding of China's rich painting art and culture. On the other hand, it actually possesses a powerful expression of European and American art. The wisdom of this comprehensive art is shrouded in the artist's strong passion and vivid desire - Vincent van Gogh on the Chinese coast, Li Hongtao. (Jiamin)


