

人民美术网 > 展览 > 骰子一掷取消不了偶然——苏昱铭&李轶君双个展(组图)


2024-06-19 17:40 文章来源:人民美术网   分享到微信


骰子一掷取消不了偶然 —— 苏昱铭&李轶君双个展

A Dice Throw At Any Time Never Will Abolish Chance —— Dual Solo Exhibition of Su Yuming & Li Yijun

法国诗人斯特芳·马拉美(Stéphane Mallarmé)的代表作《骰子一掷取消不了偶然》(以下简称《骰子一掷》)以神秘独特的形式大大革新了诗歌创作,推动文学与哲学迈向下一纪元。本次苏昱铭与李轶君双个展以这首时代之诗命名,并非企图以跨时代的高度概括这两位青年艺术家,而是希望从灵感、意绪、节奏等方面理解艺术作品的纯粹精神与本质呼应。


《心动》捕捉的是一位正在吃饭的男孩正拿起手机的瞬间,手机壳上“DON’T SHY”仿佛暗示手机那头是心动的对象。画面中有多处碎片漂浮,盘旋在主角头顶,点缀在主角上衣,与画面最左侧的异色呼应,透露出线索——这可能是一帧卡顿的电子图像。苏昱铭的作品在虚实之间穿梭,就像无限拉长骰子掷出后没有停止前的悬疑时刻,开启显像管时代的虫洞。




Stéphane Mallarmé, a French poet, revolutionized poetry creation with his representative work "A Dice Throw At Any Time Never Will Abolish Chance" (hereinafter referred to as "Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard"), introducing a mysterious and unique form that propelled literature and philosophy towards a new era. Naming this dual solo exhibition by Su Yuming and Li Yijun with this epochal poem is not an attempt to generalize the two young artists from a cross-era perspective, but rather a hope to comprehend the pure spirit and inherent essence of artistic works from the perspectives of inspiration, sentiment, and rhythm.

Regarding the curatorial concept, form, and theme of Su Yuming's works, they can be described as a concatenation of chance. The exhibition's layout deviates from a single focal point, mirroring the arrangement of words in "A Dice Throw” where "it sometimes takes the form of stairs, sometimes has only one word per line, and sometimes only one or several words per page." The function of the words or works in their presentation has become blurred, blurring the boundaries of perception. Formally, Su Yuming utilizes coincidences and collisions, employing leather, acrylic, spray paint, oil painting, markers, lithography, pencils, and more as the "dice" of his encounters with the world, fusing them to create novel visual, olfactory, and tactile experiences, guiding the viewer into an unfamiliar world of chance. The identities displayed in the titles of his works, such as "Sunshine Boy", “Prince”, “Her", “Queen" and more, are merely fleeting shadows captured after each "dice throw”. Whether the images are sourced from the internet or processed from reality, they are projected onto the viewer's retina, realizing the transmission of dice, the convergence of fragments, and the continuity of brushstrokes.

"Heartbeat" captures the moment when a boy eating dinner picks up his phone, with the words "DON'T SHY" on the phone case seemingly hinting at the object of his affection on the other end. There are multiple fragments floating in the picture, hovering above the protagonist's head and adorning his shirt, echoing the out-of-place color on the leftmost side of the frame, revealing a clue—this could be a frozen electronic image. Su Yuming's works shuttle between reality and illusion, like the suspenseful moment after a dice throw before it comes to a stop, opening a wormhole into the era of cathode ray tubes.

Li Yijun freezes the moment of "heartbeat" and traces the mystery of life. Her "Beckoning" series is inspired by the fluctuations of a fetal electrocardiogram, and life is the most romantic product of the contingency of the "cosmic dice”. She captures chance as the changing seasons of mountains and rivers, yet also as the vast sea and barren land, as mountains and rivers transform into vegetation and humanity. Contemporary interpretations negate existence, meaning, and form, but "universal negation is also the absence of negation" (Mallarmé). Li Yijun dares to affirm "truth" and "beauty," adhering to ancient methods and deconstructing the natural world, "of a final account in formation, attending, doubting, rolling, shining and meditating before stopping" (A Dice Throw).

In Li Yijun's works, points, lines, and planes each fulfill their roles with clarity and order, yet they merge into a harmonious whole. In "Beckoning · Deep Blue”, the distant boulder stands firm, its texture created by mottled color dots; the distant horizon is painted flat, with flames surging towards the skyline; the lofty peak takes shape through vaporization, with lines extending out of the frame on the right; the ocean is vast, blending green, orange, and blue like Rothko, lurking to entice senses beyond vision. "Beckoning · Leap" shares a similar hierarchical structure of flat, deep, high, and distant, but its theme is fervently red, refreshingly green, boldly black, with dots of color like paint, and a misty pink aura. The viewer synchronizes their breath and heartbeat with the brushstrokes.

"All Thought expresses a Throw of the Dice"—this is the concluding line of "A Dice Throw" and also the starting point of reflection. The "meaning" and "function" of painting may not exist, but when the image is frozen and hung on the wall, the interpretation and perception of it become the willing "bet" of the viewer, and painting once again becomes a possibility for action and thought.

艺术家简介 Artist Profile


苏昱铭,1994年生于江苏省徐州市,2017年毕业于四川美术学院版画系获学士学位,2022年毕业于中央美术学院版画系获硕士学位,2022年就读于中央美术学院研究生院博士研究生,研究方向:当代性绘画研究,现工作、生活于北京。他的展览包括:骰子一掷取消不了偶然——苏昱铭&李轶君双个展,又生空间,北京,2024;蓝色大门/时空之旅——博士研究生教学观摩系列双个展(第73回),中央美术学院,北京,2024;北京当代 · 艺术博览会,玉兰堂,北京,2024;穿越兔子洞——中国新绘画案例研究(三),又生空间,北京,2024;驯服,谷公馆,台北,2024;看着你,看着我,维京画廊,北京;肖像——年轻一代的面孔,玉兰堂,北京;风华正茂——荣宝斋首届青年艺术提名展,荣宝斋,北京,2024;暗夜公园·精灵篇,山上艺术空间,厦门,2024;画了再画,又生空间,北京,2024;后浪拼图——新绘画的新面孔,玉兰堂,北京,2023;Sprouting!驿驿其达——版画艺术的新未来,周春芽奖学金十三年,龙美术馆,重庆,2023;宋庄·搭子,树美术馆,北京,2023;论剑,龙泉望瓯美术馆,浙江,2023;罗中立奖学金入围展,芒果美术馆,长沙,2022;“康塔塔”的遐想,第零空间,北京,2022;油罐玩家艺术节,油罐艺术中心,上海,2022;Art Salon-Fly me to the moon,三里屯外交公寓,北京,2022;行动的图像——苏新平和他的学生们,石家庄美术馆,河北,2022等。


李轶君,1990年生于浙江省杭州市,2012年毕业于中国美术学院壁画专业,2014年赴德国柏林艺术大学学习,2015年于中国美术学院中德艺术研究生院(CDK)获柏林艺术大学美术学硕士学位,现工作、生活于杭州。骰子一掷取消不了偶然——苏昱铭&李轶君双个展,又生空间,北京,2024;从这样的远到那样的远,Bnana ArtSpace,南京,2023;阳台,三尚当代艺术馆,杭州,2021;单边话,Bnana ArtSpace/ABI,南京,2018;青春乐园——中国新绘画案例研究,又生空间,北京,2023;双流,目艺术中心,杭州,2023;春蚕,回响当代艺术空间,杭州,2023;变奏 | 新千年以来的青年艺术 宜兴市美术馆,宜兴,2022;好事自然来,美成空间,深圳,2021;THEM,三尚艺术空间,杭州,2021;目击众神死亡的草原上野花一片,Banana Art  Space,南京,2020;花鸟集,想象力学实验室,杭州,2019;青艺周 “因为绘画”,象山艺术公社,杭州,2019;新星星艺术奖,江苏大剧院,南京,2018;线 . 限,艺泽局,杭州,2017;重置已知,Mao Space,上海,2016等。


骰子一掷取消不了偶然 —— 苏昱铭&李轶君双个展







2024年6月15日 16:00



A Dice Throw At Any Time Never Will Abolish Chance —— Dual Solo Exhibition of 

Su Yuming & Li Yijun

AddressCYCLE SPACE, Qixing East Street, 798 Art Zone, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. ChinaDuration

June 15th to July 14th, 2024

Opening Time

June 15th, 2024  16:00

Opening hours

Tuesday to Thursday:10:30-18:00 Friday to Sunday:10:30-18:30


