

人民美术网 > 学术 > 八一特刊·致敬最可爱的人——特邀当代知名艺术家张宏


2024-08-01 10:43 文章来源:人民美术网   分享到微信





《元宇宙第一乐章》175×175cm 2022-2023年 材质:油画、丙烯






《元宇宙第五乐章》175×175cm 2022-2023年 材质:油画、丙烯


Embarking on Art

I embarked on the journey of art by starting with the imitation of Chen Zifan's ink and white sketching. Now it has been more than thirty years. Coming from a poor family in my youth, I engaged in framing as a profession. I once served as the head of the painting and framing department at Xiamen University's School of Art Education, immersed in the world of painting and calligraphy. I enjoy reading in my leisure time, especially biographies of famous figures. I admire and emulate the virtues and artistry of renowned masters such as Hong Yi, Lin Fengmian, Huang Binhong, Bai Shouyi, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Fu Baoshi, and Wu Guanzhong. I read extensively about the art history, tracing back to the Hai School, Beijing-Tianjin School, famous artists in Lingnan, the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou, the Four Wangs, Wu Yun, and the Wu School of Painting. I also delved into the masterpieces of various dynasties, drawing insights from Zhang Yanyuan's "Records of Famous Paintings Through the Dynasties" and other historical works on painting, gradually understanding the essence of Chinese painting and calligraphy. However, the one I admire most is Lin Fengmian, a bold innovator in the convergence of Eastern and Western cultures in modern times. I highly appreciate his efforts to blend Western and Chinese elements and bring about a new era. At the same time, I consider Li Keran, Wu Guanzhong, Zhao Wuji, Zhu Dequn, Xi Dejin, Wang Zhaomin, and Zhao Chunxiang as my mentors. Whenever I encounter excellent works, I meticulously study them. In my later years, I resolutely picked up the brush, embarking on a new journey of artistic creation. Drawing inspiration from the Minnan culture as my background and employing imaginative creativity as my theme, I combine various techniques such as strokes, support, pressure, dots, and sketches with the unity of structure, environment, thoughts, space, and harmony. Whether it's villages, celestial scenes, animals, or the universe, I freely express my inner thoughts between likeness and unlikeness, wandering between heaven and earth. I hope to integrate the essence of Chinese ink and the strength of Western oil paint into one painting, creating a heart symbol of renewal. Moreover, with unconventional thinking, I traverse between reality and virtuality, mapping the chaotic universe onto one's mind. By combining the visual signals of the universe with the ancient divine chapters of "Shan Hai Jing," I usher in a new chapter of "Zhang Hong's Prime Universe."

From framing to promoting artists, and then to art finance; from Chinese ink painting, lacquer painting, to Western watercolor, oil painting, and even digital derivative and AI creation; from Xiamen to Beijing, from Hong Kong to Taipei, from Sydney to Melbourne... Establishing artistic connections and expanding artistic horizons, it is said that life is full of art, and every aspect of life is wonderful.


《元宇宙第六乐章》100×100cm 2023年 材质:油画、丙烯

《元宇宙第九乐章》175×175cm 2022-2024年 材质:油画、丙烯

《元宇宙第十五乐章》布面油画 175×175cm 2024年 材质:油画、丙烯 

《元宇宙第十八乐章》175×175cm 2022-2024年 材质:油画、丙烯 

《元宇宙第二十八乐章》100×100cm 2023年 材质:油画、丙烯

《元宇宙第五十一乐章》布面油画 175×175cm 2022-2024年 材质:油画、丙烯

《宇宙·流星》大漆作 100×100cm 2023年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等

《宇宙·流光》大漆作 100×100cm 2023年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等

《天眼N 0.1》大漆作 100×100cm 2021年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等

《天眼N0.2》大漆作 200×200cm 2022年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等

《天眼N0.5》大漆作 200×200cm 2022年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等

《元宇宙N 0.1》大漆作 200×200cm 2022年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等

《宇宙战神》大漆作 175×175cm 2023年 材质:生漆、麻布、螺钿、老杉木、金银箔、矿物质色粉、漆粉等







