这两站展览受到了国外媒体的广泛关注,在国外高尔夫球界和艺术界获得了一致好评。英国权威高尔夫刊物《GOLF NEWS》30周年刊对此次展览进行了特别报道
“Chinese artist Hudson Shaoxia Zhang has been a golf fan for over three decades, alongside his influential role as a professor of art history, and over the last six years has dedicated himself to capturing the landscapes of golf courses worldwide through drawing and painting,blending his twin passions of golf and art to create a distinctive and unparalleled body of work”。
一经报道,大量高尔夫爱好者前来看展,实现了高尔夫与当代艺术的梦幻联动。意大利的《Toscana》杂志、《FIORENZAOGGI》艺术期刊、《THE ART MAGAZINE》艺术杂志等都对展览进行特别报道,佛罗伦萨电视台在开幕式现场对张少侠教授进专访,在佛罗伦萨当地引起极大的反响。