

人民美术网 > 学术 > 浅识绘画无意识状态下形成的义理(组图)


2015-08-07 15:10 文章来源:人民美术网   分享到微信


Second, he didn’t intend to do that. Mr. Yu Xiaodong, the professor of Tianjin Academy of Art has raised the problem of twist and transformation. They are two different concepts, the former is intended and the latter is unintended. The transformation is full of emotion and would happen when the painter’s work is being much improved. The works of Nan Haiyan has the characteristics of transformation which is the result of the unconsciousness.  


Third, there is no weakness in the painting, all the details, no matter small or big, are delicately arranged which constituted a harmony and orderliness. The works not only show the genius but also the characteristic of the painter. 


Forth, the eagerness for the innovation is the prerequisite of painting. There are some elements that decide the painting life and innovation of the painter, for example, the skills, and the eagerness for innovation, the sprite and the entanglement. However, these elements cannot be found easily it always transformed into abstracts form so that it could not be used as a rule. The emotion is so strong that it must find a way to transform into art language. But the way is not simple but the chemistry reaction between the heart and the reality, which is random and cannot be copied.

海岩先生就是在这种情况下来面对画面的,此幅作品线条  神俊有力,展示出了南先生对书法的认识程度。作品中人物形象温和、慈善、宁静、自然,体现了南先生来源于生活高于生活“形而上”的美学理念,展示了南先生对大雅文化的一种心态,心存敬畏。有敬畏心才能去虔诚的创作,有至尊、沐浴、焚香、静坐的美学观念,最重要的是思想纯正,总之所有的文化积淀都能从画面中体现出来。“言为心声、书为心画”这是名理,孔子曰“《诗》三百,一言以蔽之,曰‘思无邪’”这是孔子在《论语》中评价《诗经》的一句话,这也可用来评价南先生的作品,他的绘画作品也是“无邪”,没有任何私心杂念,绘画内容传递给我们的是欢快的、祥和的、友爱的、和谐的、美好的,给人一种积极向上的力量,呼唤团结,呼唤生命,传递出了当下文化的一种正能量。

Mr. Nan Haiyan just painting under this circumstance, therefore, the lines is full of power, which also shows his understanding of Chinese Calligraphy. The figures in this painting are kind, plain, silent and at their ease, which reveal the painter’s love and respect for the nature. Only the respect could drive people to explore the aesthetics, innovation and values. The saying the language and handwriting are the represents of our heart is totally right. The Confucius has said that the theme of Shi, the ancient Chinese books, is innocence. The word could also be used to describe the works of Nan Haiyan. In his painting, it conveys happiness, harmony, beauty, vibrancy and the spirit which could give us positive energy.


Artists like Chen Laolian( Ming dynasty), Shi Hu, Shi Qi, Picasso, Matisse, Renoir and Pollock, express their art though the beauty of form. Could we summary that they could not paint realistic figures? Of course not, they are conveying a spirit, a voice from the bottom of the heart, a spiritual exploration, which is beyond the command of the form. Therefore, the extraordinary art is the expression of unconscious spirit. 


