

人民美术网 > 展览 > 陈文令最新力作及手稿将亮相个展“妙谛因心”(组图)


2017-04-21 13:52 文章来源:新浪   分享到微信

陈文令《你看到未必是真实的》 1100x600x500cm  玻璃钢  2009陈文令《你看到未必是真实的》 1100x600x500cm 玻璃钢 2009

Chen Wenling’s new works are formally relevant to an earlier period of his art practice, while the essential impetus of sculpture making has departed。 His earlier works maintained a dialogue between the artist and the context of his time。 In his recent works on the other hand, the artist shifts to an approach that adoptsthe personal narrative, articulating the artist’s visual representation on the understanding of life。 Walking Manportrays a slander man wearing a gasmask, carrying peach blossom on his back, and embracing a crystal-like object, to conveythe artist’s new realm of understanding on art practice as part of life。 The gasmask is an allegory for the pain brought by social symptoms, and the peach blossom on the man’s back symbolizes the lyrical and determination in a chaotic environment of decay – the work is undeniably Chen Wenling’s personal narrative in returning to one’s own experiences。


