1010(德国),Jef Aerosol(法国),Blek le Rat(法国),Tarek Benaoum(法国),C215(法国),Stephane Carricondo(法国), Futura(美国), JonOne(美国-法国), JR(法国), Jace(法国), Thomas Jorion(法国), Jan Kalab(捷克共和国), Zinan Lam(中国), Zoie Lam(中国), L’Atlas(法国), Liu Bolin(中国), M-City(波兰), Nasty(法国), Psyckoze(法国), Sébastien Preschoux(法国), Popay(法国), Quik(美国), Niels Shoe Meulman(荷兰), André Saraiva(法国), St(意大利), Saype(法国), Seth(法国), Skki(法国), Tanc(法国), Vhils(葡萄牙), Jacques Villeglé(法国), Whyyy(中国), YZ aka Yseuly Digan(法国)等。
摄影图片来自Stephane Bisseuil(法国)。
Artworks on show by:
1010 (Germany), Jef Aerosol (France), Blek le Rat (France), Tarek Benaoum (France), C215 (France), Stephane Carricondo (France), Futura (USA), JonOne (USA-France), JR (France), Jace (France), Thomas Jorion (France), Jan Kalab (Czech Republic), Zinan Lam (China), Zoie Lam (China), L'Atlas (France), Liu Bolin (China), M-City (Poland), Nasty (France), Psyckoze (France), Sébastien Preschoux (France), Popay (France), Quik (USA), Niels Shoe Meulman (The Netherlands), André Saraiva (France), Sten Lex (Italy), Saype (France), Seth (France), Skki (France), Tanc (France), Vhils (Portugal), Jacques Villeglé (France), Whyyy (China), YZ aka Yseuly Digan (France) and more.
Photography by Stephane Bisseuil (France).
展览邀请了近40位具有国际影响力的艺术家参展,其中六位来自法国的国际艺术家和三位中国本土艺术家将会根据深圳的特色进行现场的驻地创作,从国外来深圳驻地的国际艺术家有YZ (Yseult Digan)、Sébastien Preschoux、Seth (Julien Malland)、JonOne、Niels Shoe Meulman、 M-City,中国本土艺术家有Zinan Lam林子楠、黄立炜whyyy、林雅仪Zoie Lam。
The exhibition features nearly 40 internationally acclaimed artists, including six international and three Chinese artists created artworks and installations on site, drawing inspiration from Shenzhen’s distinctive traits. The international artists participating with artworks on site are Niels Shoe Meulman (The Netherlands), JonOne (France & USA), YZ aka Yseult Digan (France), Sébastien Preschoux (France), Seth aka Julien Malland (France), and M-City (Poland), alongside Chinese artists: Zinan Lam, Whyyy, and Zoie Lam.