

人民美术网 > 学术 > 重构时空 探索灵魂——关于米巧铭的“梵韵吉相”佛像系列油画(组图)

重构时空 探索灵魂——关于米巧铭的“梵韵吉相”佛像系列油画(组图)

2017-09-27 16:40 文章来源:人民美术网   分享到微信












2017年《观——米巧铭油画作品巡回展》 台中







2015年 《京彩——米巧铭京剧油画作品展》北京

2014年 《京彩——米巧铭京剧油画作品展》北京

2014年 《京彩——米巧铭京剧油画作品展》 内蒙古

2013年 《米巧铭联合国油画作品个展》在联合国总部 美国纽约

2012年 俄罗斯列宾美术学院国画个展意大利厅

2010年 俄罗斯圣彼得堡举办油画个展


2017年《2017中国当代青年艺术家邀请展 》北京



2017年 《其乐融融》2017跨年艺术展 北京

2017年 《新春特辑》碰撞联展 北京

2016年  艺术青岛—国际青年艺术季开幕展《时代脸书》 北京

2016年 《2016中国国际文化艺术博览会》 北京

2016年 《碰撞-中国文化管理协会艺术家委员会优秀会员作品展》北京

2016年 《朝阳艺象—建党95周年美术作品展》 北京

2016年 《风华正茂——北京青年写实艺术家邀请展》北京

2016年 《党旗飘扬 长征路上——中国画名家作品邀请展(第二回 学院派)》北京

2015年 《弘扬国粹·翰墨情怀——国粹油画展》北京

2015年 《文化的力量——京广之约中俄油画艺术交流展》山东潍坊

2015年 《春华秋实——中国文化管理协会艺术家委员会优秀会员作品展》北京

2015年 《追求卓越:来自学院的艺术家——首届油画邀请展(西安站)》西安美术馆

2015年 《和·意——中国当代青年艺术家作品邀请展》北京

2014年 中俄文化交流展:《涅瓦河之风——俄罗斯功勋艺术家库兹米乔夫及青年艺术家米巧铭师生油画作品联展》

2014年 油画作品《感动中国——两个人的岛屿》入选“建国65周年暨迎接第十二届全国美展——辽宁优秀美术作品展”

2014年 油画作品《拾玉镯——孙玉娇》入选“纪念中法建交五十周年——中法书画名家作品联展” 中国国家博物馆

2013年《百年欧洲——古典油画名家作品展》 天津

2012年 作品《孤岛卫士》入选建军八十五周年全军美术作品展暨全国美术作品展 中国美术馆

2012年 圣彼得堡华妇联迎三•八暨中俄女画家作品展

2011年 俄罗斯秋季艺术沙龙展 俄罗斯美术家协会展厅

2011年 首届俄罗斯华人美术家协会音乐美术作品展 美术作品二等奖

2011年 《藏鉁——涅瓦河人文艺术之旅》油画作品展 北京 青岛

2010年 列宾美术学院师生作品展 青岛

2009年 油画作品《涅瓦大街》经评审,入选“庆建国60周年暨迎接第十一届全国美展——辽宁美术作品展”

2008年 油画作品《阳光与希望》入选青涩创想——当代艺术院校大学生年度提名展

2008年 中国美术家协会 大连第9届国际艺术博览会

2008年 俄罗斯列宾美术学院中青年艺术家联展

2007年 参加中国美术家协会举办的大连第8届国际艺术博览会


2016年 油画作品《空无相》被南通博物苑收藏;《贵妃醉酒》被南通广电传媒集团收藏;《和光》被瑞士普利艺术博物馆收藏

2016年 佛像系列版画《盛骐骥》被美国前国务卿希拉里收藏

2015年 美国前总统威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿(William Jefferson Clinton)亲切接见艺术家米巧铭,米巧铭的作品《贵妃醉酒之杨玉环》被克林顿总统收藏

2013年 油画作品《京剧人物》被联合国收藏

2012年 作品《罗格肖像》,青奥会组委会收藏

2010年 油画作品《人在做 天在看》罗马教皇本笃十六世 梵蒂冈宗教人士收藏



2017  《霸王别姬》 RMB5,060,000   北京保利国际拍卖有限公司

2017  《万佛朝宗》 NTD10,200,000    台北金仕发拍卖有限公司

2017  《穆桂英挂帅》 NTD9,000,000    台北金仕发拍卖有限公司

2016 《清净庄严》 RMB2,070,000   北京保利国际拍卖有限公司

2016  《盛骐骥》 NTD5,400,000   台北金仕发拍卖有限公司

2015 《项羽》 RMB1,058,000   北京保利国际拍卖有限公司

2015 《白蛇传之白素贞与小青》 RMB1,035,000   北京翰海拍卖有限公司

2014 《贵妃醉酒之五》 RMB1,150,000   北京保利国际拍卖有限公司

2014 《贵妃醉酒》 RMB1,035,000   北京翰海拍卖有限公司

2014 《京剧人物系列春香》 RMB1,207,500 北京九歌国际拍卖股份有限公司

2014 《白蛇传之白素贞》 RMB1,300,000   北京保利国际拍卖有限公司

2014 《昭君出塞》 RMB1,150,000   北京翰海拍卖有限公司

2013 《京剧人物·卿意》 RMB1,380,000   北京保利国际拍卖有限公司

2013 《静物·匠心》 RMB1,012,000    中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司

Mi  Qiaoming

Born in Dalian, Liaoning, China and graduated from Repin Academy of Fine Arts, Russia with Doctor’s degree, Qiaoming Mi lives in Beijing as a professional artist and serves at present as a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a researcher in China Art Research Institute, and the director of China Culture Administration Association.

The Solo Exhibition as below

2017:"Empathyt — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition " in Milan,Italy

2017: "Concept — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition Tour" in Florence,Italy

2017"Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition and 2017 "The Belt and Road" China works exchange culture and Art Exhibition" in Dubai

2017:"The Origination and End of Every Thought — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition " in Beijing

2017:"Concept — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition Tour" in Taizhong

2016: "View of Bing There — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition " in Taipei

2016: "Concept — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition Tour" in San Francisco

2016: "Fanyu Jixiang — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition " in Beijing

2016: "Concept — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition Tour" in Tainan

2016: "Concept — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition Tour" in Dalia

2016: "Concept — Qiaoming Mi Oil Painting Works Exhibition Tour " in Beijing

2015: "Beijing Opera Color — Qiaoming Mi Beijing Opera Oil Paintings Exhibition" in Beijing

2014: "Beijing Opera Color — Qiaoming Mi Beijing Opera Oil Paintings Exhibition" in Beijing

2014: "Beijing Opera Color — Qiaoming Mi Beijing Opera Oil Paintings Exhibition" in Inner Mongolia

2013: "Qiaoming Mi Oil Paintings Solo Exhibition" in the headquarter of the UN in New York

2012: Chinese Paintings Solo Exhibition in the Italian hall of Repin Academy of Fine Arts, Russia

2010: Oil Paintings Solo Exhibition in St. Petersburg, Russia

The Group Exhibition Participated as below

2017“2017, China youth artist invitational exhibition”, in Beijing

2017 “New chapter in Lunar calendar May —Nomination Exhibition of Chinese and Russian Fine Art Works” in Jiangxi Art Museum

2017 "Vision of Fwmales"in the Museum of Chinese Women and Children, in Beijing

2017 "2017" enjoyable new year art exhibition in Beijing

2017 "spring special" collision exhibition Beijing

2016 art Qingdao "time face book" Beijing

2016 "2016 Art China " Beijing

2016 "collision - Chinese Culture Management Association of the outstanding members of the artists exhibition" Beijing

2016: "Chaoyang Arty — Art Exhibition in Celebration of the 95th Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party" in The Rose Bud, 798 Art District

2016: "The Bloom of Youth — Beijing Youth Realistic Artists Invitation Exhibition" in Bridge Gallery, Beijing.

2016: "Flying Flag on Long March — Chines Painting Celebrities Invitation Exhibition" (the 2nd round of academism), Beijing

2015: "Cultural Passion of Chinese Calligraphy — Traditional Quintessence Oil Paintings Exhibition" in Dezhen Art Museum of Zhonghong Academy of Painting. Beijing

2015: "The Power of Culture—KIGO China-Russia Oil Painting Art Exchange Exhibition" in KIGO Culture Square, Weifang, Shandong

2015: "Spring Flower & Autumn Fruity—Works Exhibition of Outstanding Member from Artist Committee, China Culture Management Association" in Beijing

2015: "Pursuit of Excellence: Academy Artists — the 1st Oil Paintings Invitational Exhibition (Xi’an Station)" in Xi’an Art Museum

2015: "Melodious & Prospect — China Contemporary Youth Artists Invitational Exhibition" in SZ Art Center, 798 Art District

2014: China-Russia Culture Exchange Exhibition—"The Wind of the Neva River—Teacher and Student’s Oil Paintings Exhibition of Russian Meritorious Artist Kuzimichev and Xioming Mi Young Artisit Qiaoming Xi" in JiDian Art Museum, Beijing

2014: "Moving China—The Two’s Island" selected into "Liaoning Outstanding Art Exhibition, the 12th National Art Exhibition in Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China"

2014: "Romance of the Jade Bracelet — Yujiao Sun” selected into the Sino-French Calligraphy & Painting Masterpiece Exhibition in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Sino-French Diplomatic Relationship Establishment in the National Museum of China"

2013: "100-year Europe-Classical Oil Painting Masterpieces Exhibition"in Tianjin

2012: "Guardians of Isolated Island" selected into the "Whole Military Fine Arts Exhibition in Celebration of the 85th Anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army"

2012: "Sino-Russian Female Artist Exhibition"by Chinese Women’s Federation in St. Petersburg, Russia in greeting Women’s Day

2011: "Russia Autumn Arts Salon Exhibition"in the exhibition hall of Russian Fine Artists Association

2011: The art piece was awarded the 2nd prize by the 1st Music and Fine Arts Exhibition of Russia Chinese Artists Association  

2011: "Cherishing — River Neva Humanitarian Arts Tour"Oil Paintings Exhibition respectively in Beijing and Qingdao

2010: "Fine Arts Works Exhibition of Teachers and Students from Russia Repin Academy" in Qingdao.  

2009: The oil painting "Neva Street" selected into "Liaoning Fine Arts Exhibition, the 11th National Fine Arts Exhibition in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Foundation of the People’s Republic of China"

2008: The oil painting "Sunshine and Hope" selected into "Young Imagination — 2008 Contemporary Fine Arts University Students Nomination Exhibition"

2008: the oil painting "River Neva" awarded the golden prize by "The 9th Dalian International Arts Expo"by China Fine Arts Association

2008: Russia Repin Academy Young and Middle-aged Artists Group Exhibition

2007: "The 8th Dalian International Arts Expo" by Chinese Fine Artists Association


2016: The oil painting "Form Itself is Emptiness" collected by Nantong Museum

2016: "The Drunken Beauty of Yang Yuhuan"collected by Nantong Radio and Television Media Group

2016: "Elegant and Noble Woman" collected by PuLy Art Museum in Switzerland

2016:  Hilary Diane Rodham Clinton, presidential candidate and also former US secretary of state had a cordial meeting with Qiaoming Mi and collected "The Strong Horse and Beautiful Lady", one of Buddha artwork.  

2015: William Jefferson Clinton, the former President of the United States, had a cordial meeting with Qiaoming Mi and collected the art piece "The Drunken Beauty of Yang Yuhuan"

2013: "Outstanding Arts Achievements Award" conferred to Qiaoming Mi by Economis & Development Commission of the UN with “Beijing Opera Characters” collected  

2012: "Portrait of Rogge" collected by the organizing committee of the 2nd Youth Olympic Games  

2010: The oil painting "Whatever People Do, God is Watching Them." collected by Pope Benedict XVI in Vatican

A number of artworks collected by well-known museums and private collections

Auction records

2017 "Farewell my concubine"  RMB5,060,000 Beijing poly international auction co., LTD

2017 "Pilgrimage road"  NTD10,200,000 Taipei Jin Shifa auction co., LTD

2017 “Mu guiying takes command headed”  NTD9, 000000 Taipei Jin Shifa auction co., LTD

2016 "Purity and solemn"  RMB2,070,000 Beijing poly international auction co. ,LTD

2016 "The wonderful horse”  NTD5,400,000 Taipei Jin Shifa auction co., LTD

2015 "Xiang yu"  RMB1,058,000 Beijing poly international auction co. ,LTD

2015 "Bai suzhen and xiaoqing"  RMB1,035,000 Beijing hanhai auction co., LTD

2014 "The fifth of drunken beauty"   1, 150,000 Beijing poly international auction co. ,LTD

2014 "Drunken beauty" RMB1,035,000 Beijing hanhai auction co., LTD

2014 “Peking Opera characters series chunxiang”  RMB1,207,500 Beijing jiuge international auction co., LTD

2014 "Bai suzhen "  RMB1,300,000  Beijing poly international auction co., LTD

2014 "Zhaojun far away" RMB1,150,000 Beijing hanhai auction co., LTD

2013 "Beijing Opera characters·Love means”  RMB 1, 380,000 Beijing poly international auction co., LTD

2013 "still life, originality" RMB 1, 012,000 China Jia De international auction co., LTD


