

人民美术网 > 学术 > 吴玉柱:“意象写意”精神与艺术追求 (组图)

吴玉柱:“意象写意”精神与艺术追求 (组图)

2016-11-08 15:14 文章来源:人民美术网   分享到微信

吴玉柱,安徽中华文化学院.教授。国家一级美术师。中国水墨艺术研究院首席研究员,清华大学美术学院访问学者。享受省政府专家津贴。系中国美术家协会会员,民革中央画院理事,安徽文达信息工程学院艺术学院院长,安徽中山画院副院长,安徽省美协油画艺术委员会副秘书长,作品被美国、俄罗斯列宾美术学院、印度、匈牙利、新加坡、马来西亚、日本、韩国、台湾、香港、泰国等及收藏机构收藏 。油画作品曾获中华人民共和国文化部第12届“群星奖”金奖。获13届中国艺术博览会金奖。多次获全国及省美展金`银`铜奖。获安徽省社会科学文学艺术成就奖三等奖。油画《徽州忆梦一一雪》获法国巴黎鲁浮宫卡鲁塞尔特別优秀奖。2016我院首席研究员吴玉柱老师水墨.作品亮相莫斯科中央艺术家展览馆。

Wu Yuzhu,born in 1958,Najing. Professor of Anhui Chinese Culture College, National level artist and researcher of Chinese Ink Art Research Institue. Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts visiting scholar. Special allowances of government . Member of Chinese Artists Association. Director of KMT Central Art Academy , Vice President of Anhui Zhongshan Painting Institute, Deputy Secretary General of the UNited States Association of Anhui province oil painting art committee.The president of Art College of Anhui Wenda University of Information Engineering Oil painting art exhinition repeatedly won the national gold,silver,bronze. Collection by the Untited States,Hungary,Singapore,Japan,South Korea,Taiwan,Hongkong,Thailand,etc.Anhui Province,the major historical themes of the creation of major historical contract painter. Oil painting works by the Republic of China Ministry of culture,the Twelfth"Stars Award"gold.Oil painting works have won the gold medal of the 13 china Art fair. Anhui province social science literature , art press and publication award. Won the title of China India friendship artist.


